• Reliable Crane inspections in Midland-Odessa, TX

    Professional, safety-minded technicians

    Having an overhead crane in service and peak operating condition is a top priority for your company, as well as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).


    Following the documented OSHA standards and best practices for overhead crane inspection and preventative maintenance will help keep crane and hoist equipment operating at top efficiency, your employees safe, reduce costly downtime, and extend the life of the equipment.



    Crane inspection checklist in Midland Odessa Texas

    How often should the crane be inspected?

    Overhead cranes require frequent routine inspections as well as periodic inspections. Routine inspections should occur as often as possible... daily, weekly or monthly. Additionally, periodic inspections should be performed either monthly or yearly.

    Routine crane inspections should include an inspection of all crane functions, all controls, emergency and safety switches, interlocks, and lubrication of moving parts. Ideally, the crane should be inspected as often as required, including pre-operation, daily, weekly, monthly, annually and/or periodically as recommended by the manufacturer.

    Pre-Operation Overhead Crane Inspection Checklists

    Before operating an overhead crane, you should always perform a pre-op inspection — and a basic checklist is a great tool to do that consistently. But you also need to recognize why these inspections are so important!


    Operator Inspections

    Several different types of inspections are performed on cranes, but not all are the responsibility of professionals or maintenance. For example, ASME B30.2-2011-2.1.3 for Overhead Cranes & ASME B30.16-2.1.2 for Underhung Hoists both indicate it is the operator’s responsibility to inspect cranes and hoists before using them. These pre-operational checks are referred to as functional tests.

    While pre-op checklists for cranes might seem unnecessary to do every shift, a lot can change on a crane depending on the skill and care of the previous person who operated it.




    Get your free on-site consultation today!